Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Friendship Fundas..

Friendship Fundas!

When GOD created mankind, he also created Friendship along with mankind as a gift to him. Man's first friend is Mother Nature. There after he made friendship with birds and animals. And then god created somebody to share his feelings with him as a friend. As man evolved in to a civilized being, the name of the relations just changed day by day. In the modern ages, friendships are not wholehearted. Everyone eyes something from each and every relationship especially from a friendship. Now a day, friendships are not deep hearted. The word 'Friendship' needs to be redefined. Man spoiled the real and pure friendship with his rubbish thoughts and actions.

What is the real need for a friendship? Some times there will be no one to hear our feelings and this leads man to a complete disaster named suicide. Most of the suicides happen in this society due to the lack of counseling. Somebody have to hear their problems and offer some solutions, which work or not, don’t matter. In such moments we feel the importance of a good friend. Even the parents will not be that much patient to hear the problems of their children in this fast modern life.

How can we make a good friendship? How can be a good friend? How we can find good friends? Here are some suggestions.

Friendship begins with a smile.
Confectionaries add sweetness to friendship. Not only friendship, it ads sweetness to any kind of relationship.
Address your friend with his/her name only; don’t add Mr. / Mrs. or anything like that.
Say "Hi" to your friend, not Hello
Don’t say "Sorry" to a friend. Friends never apologize to each other.
Don’t call by his/her nick name in front of others.
Stand for your friend at any circumstance.
Never criticize your friend in the presence of others.
Don’t say "You are my good friend" to your friend.
Friendship has no languages and it speaks itself.
Money makes distance between good friends. Better keep it away!
If you feel for your good friend in his/her bad times, talk to him/her looking to the eyes.
An affectionate look can do what sometimes thousand words can't do
If you want to be a good friend, be a good listener.
Be patient when your friend talks to you.
Point out his/her faults only with love and affection.
Don’t use harsh words while you are talking to your friend.
Give example as if you were him/her; don’t bring anyone else in between.
Love your friend as you love yourself.
Believe your friend as you believe yourself.
Care your friend as you care yourself.
A "friend" and a "good friend" differ.
Tell your secrets to a good friend only
A good friend never peeps into your secrets.
Don’t guess anything about your friend, just ask him/her
Be proud of your friends, because
All the work that you put into them will come straight back to you.
Pray for your friend, wish for your friend
But don’t expect them to do the same.
Because “Desire is the cause of Sadness” my friend!

1 Comment:

viplov said...

those who value good friends must read this and share with those they want to befriend.Spread the recipe, may be, we find true friends in the modern world too...difficult but not impossible.


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